Jack Alexandroff Logo

Freelance Animator and Film Producer


I always found that chess peace’s implied the landscape they moved across but this landscape was absent from the game. Having always been fascinated by the history of games I wanted to use them as a medium to explore the assumptions humans make through there game design. Games are often attempts to condenses pre existing mechanics from the real world into smaller models; this lets humans play with the outcomes of doing something one way or another without real world consequences. 

Perhaps if chess could be redesigning so that there was a natural element the game could better reflect reality and better articulate the dance of 2 parties in opposition and the landscape they move through better. In these boards I explore that theme. Finally I developed a new peace for the board, the moon. My board would be set across 2 coasts and an ocean. The human peace’s were boats and the moon peace loomed above them all in the centre and occupying 9 spaces. I added a row and a Column to the board to accommodate the new rule. The moon peace was hollowed out to allow for a candle to sit inside and shine light through holes, Now if a player's peace was caught in the moon's illumination then it was permitted to move twice. A player could also move the moon peace instead of moving their own.
