Jack Alexandroff Logo

Freelance Animator and Film Producer

Journey to the Interior, The Dissenters Chapel

Directed and developed by Tereza Stehikova, this collective of artists and fine art performance informed much of the performative/interactive/science/art communication that has become an important part of my practice. About a dozen artists met once a month at the Dissenter’s Chapel to develop a response to Jules Verns’ Journey to the centre of the earth. We had sessions with sommeliers and geologists, created new forms of performative experience and found novel ways to represent and communicate through lesser used senses  like touch, taste, temperature and smell.

While developing the performance with the other artists I also undertook to make some of the tableware for the project. This was the beginning of my ceramic practice and was a great opportunity to explore wood fired ceramics further. I based my designs on shellfish and raw limestone and then fired the “plates” in the kiln I had built for a previous project.

The “plates” were then used in the final meal part of the performance. They were plated up with the intention of mimicking geological tones and textures.

Journey to the Interior:



Interviews about the experience:


This is a short video about our sensory workshops:


Collaborated with: Tereza Stehikova and others
Photos: Tereza Stehikova, Jack Alexandroff
Journey to the Interior, The Dissenters Chapel
Journey to the Interior, The Dissenters Chapel